Shorewood Citizen Advocates

Building positive change through communication, education and advocacy

Public Hearing or Predetermined?

Editorial opinion

Last revised on: March 26, 2025

Shorewood residents that have signed up for Ordinance Notification/Public Notice from the city received an email on Thursday 3/20/2025. This email contained a Notice of Public Hearing for the Shorewood Planning Commission to consider several items related to rezoning 6 individual land parcels, a conditional use permit on another and multiple potential ordinance changes. See notices below.


Public Hearings for Properties

  • Consider rezoning the parcel located at 24560 Smithtown Rd from C1 to R-3A, and the parcels located at 24590 Smithtown Rd and 24620 Smithtown Rd from R-1C to R-3A located in Shorewood, Minnesota (View/Download PDF)
  • Consider rezoning the parcels located at 6055 Lake Linden Dr, 6065 Lake Linden Dr and 6067 Lake Linden Dr from R-3A to R-2A located in Shorewood, Minnesota (View/Download PDF)
  • Consider a conditional use permit amendment and interim use permit application for the property located at 27225 Smithtown Road, Shorewood, Minnesota (View/Download PDF)

Public Hearings for Ordinance(s)

  • Consider repeal and replacement of the subdivision ordinance and to consider related amendments to the zoning ordinance and public right-of-way and property ordinance relative to municipal water connection (Download/View PDF)


Three things stand out with this process.

First, while the city clearly adhered to the 10 day notice requirement for a public hearing, the lack of any documentation regarding these proposed changes is concerning. This notice included publication in the Sun Sailor, which is not delivered in Shorewood nor available online without a paid subscription. There was little transparency or education.

The purpose of a Public Hearing is to solicit resident opinions, comments and concerns on proposed changes that may be incorporated in the commission’s final recommendation.

It is unclear how there can be any meaningful input from the public when no one knows what these changes contain. No ordinance numbers are referenced. If the city is in the position to announce a public hearing, there should be sufficient documentation, readily available, to share with and educate the public in time for residents to read, understand and research these changes. To the many residents, this may seem to be written in “code.”

Second, the sheer amount of items the commission is considering in a single, public hearing is remarkable. When public opinion is the last step, the appearance is the hearing is pro forma and decisions on these items have already been made.

Finally, planning commission meetings are not available on Zoom, nor are they recorded for later viewing on the LMCC website. Public hearings are now being held by the planning commission, making public access more important for the transparency, accountability and education that the public expects.

Residents should also know that when a matter approved by the planning reaches the council, there is no further discussion or comment from the public. The door has closed, with the city meeting the bare minimum standards for public notification.

The City of Shorewood must do better for its residents. 
Let city leaders know what you think.
  1. Best option: attend and /or speak up at City Council meetings and get it on the public record.
  2. Contact City Council Members

Dustin Maddy (612) 293-6727  
Jennifer Labadie (952) 836-8719
Michelle DiGruttolo (517) 422-9528
Guy Sanschagrin (952) 217-1289
Nat Gorham (617) 780-7771     

How to follow the activity of the Shorewood city council and the commissions.
    • SIGN UP here for city email notifications.
    • Watch a city council meeting, live from home, via Zoom, using the link provided in your email notice.
    • View the recorded meetings later at your convenience @ LMCC-TV web site (Council work sessions, if held, are found at the end of each council meeting).
    • Currently Park and Planning Commission meetings are not recorded and must be attended in person.

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