Revised February 27, 2025
To increase transparency and resident education, below is a quick summary of the Shorewood City Council meeting of February 24, 2025. Links to the meeting video are included with each item.
Council members present: Labadie, Maddy, Gorham, DiGruttolo
Council member absent: Sanschagrin
Staff present: Administrator Nevinski, City Clerk Thone, Engineer Budde, Finance Dir. Schmuck, PW Director Morreim, City Planner Griffiths, City Attorney
Staff absent: Park/Recreation Manager Czech
2. Consent Agenda (Item 2C moved to 8A, remainder passed without discussion)
A. City Council Work Session Minutes of February 10, 2025
B. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2025
C. City Council Retreat Minutes of February 18, 2025 moved to 8A on the agenda.
D. Verified Claims List Claims
E. Park Commission Meeting Update
F. 2025 Open Book Meeting
3. Matters from the Floor: None.
4. Acknowledgement of outgoing commissioners: DiGruttolo (park), Nat Gorham (planning) & Mary Johnson (planning)
5. Park Commission meeting report: Mary Bahneman
6. Planning:
- Report on Feb. 4 commission meeting: Jake Griffiths, City Planner
- Approved Variance to Redevelop a Non-Conforming Lot at 20175 Manor Road (p, 57) Applicant: Edward Zaret
- Approved Preliminary & Final Plat for Shorewood Meadow ( p. 67) at
25480 & 25560 Smithtown Rd (former “pumpkin patch property”)
Applicant: McDonald Construction Partners - Approved Amendments to Zoning Regulations (p. 110) to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for Medium Density Land Uses. Applicant: City initiated.
7. Engineering & Public Works:
A. Pavement Management Plan (p. 133) The council approved the Pavement Management Plan (PMP): a comprehensive strategy to assess the conditions of the roads, prioritize the repair/replacement plan and determine funding sources. Data on road conditions was gathered through Vaisala Road AI.
Council questions and discussion:
- DiGruttolo emphasized considering climate change and heavy trucks as part of the plan.
- She suggested using enterprise funds, based on the recent council discussion about solvency, should be reconsidered. It was clarified that very small amounts would be drawn: $20-30K/year.
- The engineer said right-of-way management is outside the context of pavement management. DiGruttolo suggested acknowledging ROW in the report, because neighboring properties are affected by any roadway project.
- Gorham asked how road problems are tracked with the absence of SeeClickFix and suggested at minimum a spreadsheet to account to residents and assure them that action is taken. Staff said they would look into it. The replacement for SeeClickFix is Citizen Request Tracker (CRT). Discussion revealed uncertainty about reporting, tracking and the overall process with CRT.
8. General New Business
A. Formerly Item 2C from Consent Agenda: DiGruttolo requested more detail be added to the notes of the Feb. 17 8-hour “retreat.” The revision will include strategies and priorities from the session to provide transparency for residents.
B. Hwy 7 Corridor Study: Summary of current action. No back-ups in the packet.
9. Council & Staff reports:
- Continued flooding, from an unknown source, at Grant Lorenz and Noble Road
- Engineer: No report
- Finance director: In the process of implementing banking improvements.
- City Clerk/HR Director: Five candidates are being interviewed for planning director
- City Planner: Planning commission will work on updating the subdivision ordinance.
- City attorney: No report
- Park & Rec director: Absent, no report.
Additional Resources:
View the meeting anytime at
Watch all meetings live on Zoom
Read the packet Page numbers of related materials are indicated by each agenda item. The public background materials provided to the council.
Let city leaders know what you think.
- Best option: attend and /or speak up at City Council meetings and get it on the public record.
- Contact City Council Members
Dustin Maddy (612) 293-6727
Jennifer Labadie (952) 836-8719
Michelle DiGruttolo (517) 422-9528
Guy Sanschagrin (952) 217-1289
Nat Gorham (617) 780-7771
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