Shorewood Citizen Advocates

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Updated – Continued Misuse of City Resources by Shorewood Mayor

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Revised August 15, 2024

Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent

Update – July 18, 2024

Once again, what should have been a routine, informative email from the City of Shorewood, was delivered to residents under the heading “Message from the Mayor – July 2024”. This included a banner that had all the appearance of an election campaign sign, replete with Jennifer Labadie’s smiling headshot. The content was simply announcements of upcoming events. What’s next? Utility bills and building permits?

Why is it necessary that this, or for that matter, any announcement comes directly from any of the 5 elected council members? Who authorized this?

As we’ve pointed out many times on this site, in our form of city government, the mayor’s position, with extremely few, minor differences, is no different than the other elected members of the council. They do not hold an executive role and the staff does not report solely to them. They are simply 1 of 5. Read about Shorewood’s government structure here.

There was a time in the past when we elected the mayor to a 2 year term, making them unique among the other council members. In 2014, the council voted to make the mayor a 4 year term so even that difference no longer exists. Read the history of that decision here.

The use of city resources for ethically questionable, self-promoting, campaign style emails is unacceptable. In an election year this practice is even more deplorable. This practice needs to stop.

Update April 25, 2024

On April 8, 2024, the City of Shorewood sent an email with the title “Message from the Mayor-April 2024”. The mundane content of this email was more appropriate for the monthly ShoreReport newsletter. This once again appears to be a blatant misuse of city resources for shameless self-promotion by Jennifer Labadie.

Also included in this ‘message” was a link to “State of the City” video by Labadie. This grandiose video is not required by statute, unnecessary and to our knowledge, never approved by the City Council.

No other elected council member has been allowed to use city resources to publish thinly veiled promotional materials. Neither should the Mayor.

Recently, some residents received an email from the City of Shorewood with a holiday message from Mayor Jennifer Labadie (see here).

Although sent out from an official City of Shorewood email account, the content seem to be a personal message from the Labadie family, including a family photo.

SCA editors closely monitor City meetings and minutes and have not found any place where the full Council authorized or approved of this message. It appears that Labadie has taken it upon herself to send out communications that appear to be on behalf of the city without the approval of her fellow council members. This practice must end.

This is a continuation of the troubling trend in Shorewood of elevating the position of mayor above the rest of our elected representatives. Labadie has exploited this trend to an alarming degree with an official looking Facebook page and ads in at least one local publication titled “From the Mayor’s Desk”.

In Minnesota statutory Plan A city such as Shorewood, the position of mayor by law and design is, with some very minor differences, essentially the same as other elected council members. (See: What it Means to be a “Plan A” City)

The Shorewood Mayor is not a “super councilperson”. The rest of the council needs to address this and make sure the city staff acts as a firewall to ensure the mayor, or any individual council member, does not publish unapproved messages using city resources.

Update Jan. 8, 2024

Many residents recieved an email from the City of Shorewood today titled “January 2024 – General News & Events”. Within this newsletter was a section titled “Message from the Mayor”. While containing a few tidbits and information about the city, the overall tenor of this section was a personal message from Jennifer Labadie including a large headshot photo. This has all the appearances of a self promoting campaign ad. 

Continuing to allow any council members to use city resources in this way is outrageous and needs to stop. Period. This is particularly true of a councilperson like Labadie who is up for re-election this year.

Click here for contact information for the City Council.  Let them know you disapprove.

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