Shorewood Citizen Advocates

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Get Smarter: Trees to Avoid Planting in Your Yard

Revised April 5, 2024

Trees are an ongoing discussion point in Shorewood, both for their environmental importance and preservation.

However, as the biologist, pollinator conservationist and author Heather Holm says, “Not all green is good.”

This site offers up articles for favorable trees to plant for our changing climate.

Meanwhile, here are some trees considered “undesirable.”

What are the characteristics that make a tree less yard worthy?

  • The tree is messy.  Fruit, berries, or seed pods that make a huge mess of your yard each year.
  • The tree is weak and prone to damage. Some trees are brittle by nature and very susceptible to wind damage or injury from heavy snow and ice. Ash trees, as well as now being susceptible to emerald ash borer, are notoriously brittle and prone to damage
  • The tree is susceptible to pests and diseases. Be aware of coming disease or insects. 
  • The species drops a lot of pollen. Pollen production from certain trees during the spring flowering season.
  • The tree has roots with water-seeking tendencies that threaten water mains or septic tanks–including underground water and sewer lines.
  • The tree is highly invasive, crowding out native species while not benefitting wildlife.

    – Source:

Guidance for trees to consider avoiding:

Planting Trees: 10 to Avoid in Your Yard – Bob Vila

9 Landscape Trees to Avoid

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