Last revised on: July 24, 2024
You heard it right. Nearly three years after receiving a $50,000 buckthorn removal grant from the Minnesota DNR, Shorewood Council finally approved Prairie Restorations, Inc. to clear 20 acres of the total 30 acres within Freeman Park wooded areas. The contract is worth $67,000. See resident testimony here, and see the Council discussion here. Read the materials presented to the Council here (starting at page 69).
The work will take place later this year or early next year and use various methods of forestry mulching machinery, chainsaws and brushsaws. Larger buckthorn trees will be cut by hand using a chainsaw and dabbed with the herbicide Garlon 4 seen by its blue die in and around the stump. Signs will be posted throughout the park warning users to stay clear from the worksite and keep pets away from treated areas for several days. Look to the city’s website and this page for updates.
Residents came to the Council on 11.13 with detailed ideas and questions. They were firm in their expectation that the City not only address their questions, but develop an ongoing maintenance schedule.
Five pieces missing from the Council packet:
(1) Bids from two other companies submitted (who chose Prairie Restorations?);
(2) Background about Prairie Restoration, its methods and selling points;
(3) Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information about Garland 4, the herbicide recommended by the MnDNR;
(4) Photos, videos, narrative explaining the equipment used for the removal process;
(5) A draft framework for a long term management plan.
The Council had more questions than answers. Spurred on by the vigorous resident input, it assigned the staff to provide more information and report back at a “future meeting.”
Contact Council with your comments.
More resources:
- Minnesota DNR
- Native Resource Preservation
- City of Wayzata
- City of Sioux Falls SD
- St. Louis Park, MN
- Friends of the Mississippi River
- Eden Prairie Battles Buckthorn
- Wisconsin Pollinators
- Seven Ways to Effectively Remove Buckthorn
- Coon Rapids, MN Arborist Video on “how to remove buckthorn”
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