Last revised on: February 10, 2025
- Don’t impede the city plow trucks during a snow event: Move your car!
Street Parking: (Shorewood Ordinance 610.02, Subd. 1)
- Not to exceed 48 hours.
- The vehicle must face the same direction in which traffic is moving along that side of the street or right-of-way.
- Vehicles stopped or parked must have the right-hand tire no more than 12” from the curb.
- Related to “stuff” on streets:
Items considered nuisances on city streets (Shorewood Ordinance 501.05, Sub. 9).- Unlicensed, Including abandoned vehicles, trailers, and free “stuff”
- Recreational items such as basketball hoops, hockey nets and pickleball courts.
- Dogs can be heard barking in any neighborhood at any time. The question is: Why?
Barking Dogs and Nuisance: (Shorewood Ordinance 701.02 & 701.11). This ordinance includes, but is not limited to, “barking, whining, howling, baying, crying, or making other noise excessively, such that the creation of the noise by any single or combination of dogs can be heard by any person, including a law enforcement officer or animal control officer, from a location outside of the building or premises where the dog is being kept and which noise occurs repeatedly over at least a five minutes…”
- Dogs on city property: (Shorewood Ordinance 701.09)
- No dog owner may allow their animal to run unleashed in City parks or on trails.
While on the subject: 701.11 requires anyone on public or private land, which is not the premises of the person owning, keeping, harboring, or maintaining the animal, to have in their possession a receptacle to remove animal feces.
- Rental housing licensing and inspections: (Shorewood Ordinance 1004.01) A license is required to operate a rental dwelling. Licensing requires an inspection of the rental dwelling. Licenses are for three-years, and expire on December 31.
- Trash/recycling Carts: (Shorewood Ordinance 501.05) The City zoning code requires that all refuse carts be brought back up to the house, away from the street, within 12 hours of collection day. The carts are not to be placed curbside more than 12 hours before collection day.
- Moving snow onto or across public roadways: (Minn Stat. Sec. 160.2715) Simply put: It is illegal to push snow across the road or into the street to get it out of your driveway. Violation of this state law is considered a misdemeanor and can land you 90 days in jail and a fine of $1000.
- Driveway width: (Shorewood Ordinance 1201.03)
- Subd. (j) Each property is allowed one curb cut or driveway access for each 120 feet of street frontage. Two-family dwellings may have two driveways.
- Subd. (k) Except in the case of single-family dwellings, all areas intended to be utilized for parking space and driveways shall be paved.
- Unattached trailers on public streets or roadways: (Minn. Stat. Sec. 169.011, Subd. 86)
- No person may leave or park a trailer, including cargo or utility trailers, campers, and boat trailers…unless connected to a motor vehicle capable of drawing or transporting the trailer on the same block for more than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours.
- No person may leave or park a trailer, including cargo or utility trailers, campers, and boat trailers…unless connected to a motor vehicle capable of drawing or transporting the trailer on the same block for more than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours.
- Snowmobiles: (Shorewood Ordinance 611.02, Subd. 1)
- Snowmobile operation within Shorewood is restricted to the following: See details here.
- Parking pads: (Shorewood Ordinance 901.01 are not allowed in any residential right-of-way outside of the driveway surface.
- Burning permits: (Shorewood Ordinance 608.02) Required for any outdoor wood-burning, recreational fire within the City.
- Permits are free online and expire on December 31 each year.
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