Last revised on: March 23, 2025
On October 1 the Planning Commission held a public hearing to amend the R-3 Zoning District to higher density development, consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, as submitted to the Metropolitan Council. Read the planning commission packet, with complete background here.
Specifically, the zoning change applies to three parcels on Smithtown Road, west of the American Legion. One of these parcels is currently being considered for a townhome development. See parcel map below.
As explained in Ordinance 1201.18 “The R-3B District is intended to provide a greater variety in the type of housing units available within the community by allowing construction of two-family, townhouse, quadraminium and apartment dwellings at a density ranging up to ten units per acre.”
Although Shorewood planned for this density in the Comp Plan, the Zoning Code and map were not in sync. In these instances, as proven in an application for townhome development on one of the parcels, the code did not match the Comp Plan. The Comp Plan has precedence. It is important that both documents match to avoid complications.
For residents concerned about higher density, there was a public hearing on this section of the Comp Plan several years ago. More recently, the planning commission held a public hearing on October 1, 2024. No members of the public testified. The planning commission recommended approval.
Next step is for the Council to vote on the ordinance change scheduled for October 28. This council discussion and vote is typically done with no further public input.
Let city leaders know what you think.
- Best option: attend and /or speak up at City Council meetings and get it on the public record.
- Contact City Council Members
Dustin Maddy (612) 293-6727
Jennifer Labadie (952) 836-8719
Michelle DiGruttolo (517) 422-9528
Guy Sanschagrin (952) 217-1289
Nat Gorham (617) 780-7771
How to follow the activity of the Shorewood city council and the commissions.
- SIGN UP here for city email notifications.
- Watch a city council meeting, live from home, via Zoom, using the link provided in your email notice.
- View the recorded meetings later at your convenience @ LMCC-TV web site (Council work sessions, if held, are found at the end of each council meeting).
- Currently Park and Planning Commission meetings are not recorded and must be attended in person.
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