Shorewood Citizen Advocates

Building positive change through communication, education and advocacy


Is it meeting customer expectations?

wedgewood drive tree

Last revised on: July 12, 2024  Have you tried it?

NOTE: To access the links in this article, register for ClickFix and receive notifications of reports in your neighborhood.

SeeClickFix … is a solution that empowers residents to report issues, identify repair needs, share feedback, and ask questions of their local government leaders. For local governments, it powers efficient and transparent workflows, fostering accountability and trust. The result is collaborative experiences between governments and residents that co-create clean, safe, and happy communities.” – Source:

Shorewoodsubscribes to SeeClickFix as a means to hear from residents. It can be extremely helpful, but there is always room for improvement.

Here are suggestions for the City to improve the management of SeeClickFix:

  1. Keep leadership and Council informed of citizen participation and observations by including them in the communication circle or monthly reports.
  2. Provide “before” and “after” pictures along with an explanation of action taken, Amazon drivers can do it, so can city workers. (i.e., “closed” without explanation  is not a helpful response.)
  3. Build on public education opportunities: Staff responses should include data and/or ordinance description to further educate the public.
  4. Act on issues, even when another agency may be involved (don’t send the resident to outside agencies when city staff readily has that agency’s contact info…and more clout than a resident calling!
  5. Provide a timely and thorough response regarding the status. Here is an example of the need for improvement on both counts.

What you can do:

1. Use SeeClickFix to report problems in your neighborhood.
2. Expect a prompt and thorough answer.
3. Thank city employees for results, or politely let them know where they could do better.

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