Last revised on: December 6, 2023
Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent
UPDATE 9.19.23: The City is looking for resident feedback on the proposed design options for Eureka Road North. Learn more here.
Residents who appeared before the Council on 3.27.23 challenged a plan for a “scoping document” of Eureka Road North, making among other points, the $125k cost for the study was too high.
Further, they supported a simple resurfacing of the roadway, rather than reconstruction. A petition was presented to support their position.
Later in the meeting, a question was raised by a council member about the need for the scoping. After somewhat tense council debate, a majority of the Council determined to proceed with the study, saying there would be no further discussion, and ending the topic abruptly. See it all here .
UPDATE: A Mapleview Court resident came to Matters from the Floor on 6.12.23. He called on the City to respond to the March 27 resident petition. City Staff indicated the scoping has been put “on the back burner” until July, due to other larger ongoing projects.
As of August 17, there has been no public-facing information on the status.
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