Shorewood Citizen Advocates

Building positive change through communication, education and advocacy

Rules for E-Bikes

Revised June 21, 2023

Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent

Rules for E-Bikes

When you use any public trails, sidewalks, or the Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail, you have definitely encountered E-bikes. The compatibility with pedestrians depends on the user of the bike. Most are respectful…but then, there are always those who are not.

  • E-bikes can go up to 28 mph. Such speeds are without a doubt dangerous to others in close proximity.

  • E-bikes have three classifications, based on speed capabilities. See Minnesota Law 169.011, Subd. 15a-c.

  • No person under the age of 15 years may operate an e-bike, of any class, on public streets, sidewalks or trails in Minnesota.

  • Where E-bikes are allowed, only one person per seat is allowed and no towing of another bicycle.

Other agencies weigh in with their own rules. MnDNR has specifics for its state parks and trail facilities. Three Rivers Park District has its Park Ordinances.

Minnesota Law presides for operating E-bikes.

Sources for this article:

What you can do:

  1. Know the rules of the trail for your use…and follow them!

  2. Report high speed or under 15 riders to law enforcement-make them aware of the problem & the Statute number.

  3. Share this information on Next Door, or other social media.

  4. Encourage the your city to post these rules on their social media, website, and in the newsletter.

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