Last revised on: February 1, 2024
The Lake Park Villas development project, (former Truffle Hill property) includes two parcels straddling the Tonka Bay/Shorewood border. Both cities agreed on the details that have given this project some interesting facets making it less obtrusive on a difficult parcel. See the details presented to the Planning Commission starting at p. 6
- Drop the elevation of the property by removing 13,000 yards of soil.
- 11 twin homes-seven in Shorewood, four in Tonka Bay.
- Stormwater retention pond buffering the development from Hwy 19.
- Lowering the prescribed density to less than six units per acre
- Private streets maintained by the HOA
- Fence and tree screening from adjoining properties.
- Tree replacements will exceed the requirements of Shorewood’s Tree Preservation Ordinance
- Developer’s Tree Replacement Plan. (start at p. 54)
The Planning Commission and City Council had detailed meetings on the merits and technicalities of the project. Two public hearings were held for resident feedback. Read the Council reports and discussion. (start at p. 47)
The project met the criteria set out in Shorewood city code, and the developer thoroughly satisfied the concerns and questions of city officials. This led to a 5-0 vote from the Council for approval.
Note: Truffle Hill is relocating their business to Water Street in Excelsior.
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