Last revised on: May 19, 2024
Chances are Eurasian Garlic Mustard is about to burst into full bloom somewhere close to you. It blankets forest floors, yards and road ditches. Here are some facts about the weed and how to manage it.
- Garlic mustard spreads primarily by seed.
- It grows in mounds, 1-2 feet tall, and has clusters of small white flowers and scalloped leaves that smell like garlic when crushed.
- Each blossom can produce between 100-10,000 seeds.
- It is adaptable to almost any growing space, but thrives in shade and crowds out native plants.
- The best method of removal is by hand digging or pulling–larger infestations may require chemical control.
- The MN Department of Agriculture has classified garlic mustard as a noxious weed and the MN DNR considers it an invasive. – Source UMN Extension
Learn everything you need to know about identification, eradication and prevention of Garlic Mustard here.
Another source here.
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