Shorewood Citizen Advocates

Building positive change through communication, education and advocacy

How Shorewood’s City Council Limits Zoom Access


Last revised on: December 11, 2024

Shorewood residents have asked to not only keep Zoom attendance in place, but to add commission meetings, or at minimum a video record to offer options for resident viewing*.  Here is why:  The nuts and bolts of how the council makes decision on zoning or park matters are assembled at these commission meetings.  Further, public hearings-so important to how the city grows-are held at planning commission level.  Why not increase citizen access?  The Council has the authority to make the change. So far, the Council has basically ignored the request.

Keeping Zoom available to residents did not come easy.  Here is the backstory.

Covid caused many cities to move their public meetings to virtual via Zoom. Post-Covid, the meetings are in person, but Zoom is still offered.  

While Zoom may present some technical challenges, it also adds broader opportunities for residents to observe and participate in city council meetings–from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Meanwhile, the Zoom format has not been without disagreement among the Council members. Council has debated the pros and cons at their annual retreat, council meetings and work sessions. Reasons for stopping the service range from perceived “impolite” behavior on Zoom, low participation, to lack of staffing for the confusing technology.

See the 9.13.21 Council discussion starting at hr. 1:40:

“I think we were bullied into having tonight’s meeting [on Zoom].” – CM Debbie Saikel  9.13.21

Fortunately, a 2022 change in Minnesota Law accommodating hybrid meetings–with certain guidelines–seems to have resolved the Council’s concerns.  Currently, the Council allows guest participants to use Zoom.  The city clerk attends some Council meetings via Zoom, rather than in person.  


*50% of residents are now over 50 and watching from home for health, ability, or comfort reasons is a viable option.

NOTE: SCA believes all meeting attendees, not only “guests,” should be allowed to attend by Zoom.

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