Deciphering the [Zoning] Code
You have received a notice of public hearing for a zoning issue in your city. Now what?
Do you feel like it is code for something about something? Wondering how it affects you?

The Opposite of Transparency
On February 18, 2024 the Shorewood City Council, along with key city staffers, held what they referred to as a “retreat” at the Shorewood Community & Event Center. This was essentially an all-day work session to discuss strategic priorities and several other key topics.
What made this different from any other work session was that it was structured to discourage public attendance and the ability to review the meeting after the fact.

AI Technology: A Tool in the Fight Against Distracted Driving on Hwy 7
There has been a lot of curiosity around the orange trailer-like structure parked along Hwy 7 in Shorewood.
In case you missed it, KSTP.com provides an explanation.

SeeClickFix.com: Saying Goodbye
Beginning in 2025, Shorewood switched its citizen reporting mechanism from SeeClickFix to Citizen Request Tracker® (CRT).
The cost savings will be $5k+ per year and removes a “citizen facing” product in favor of one much more controlled.

Automated License Plate Reading Comes to Town
After a presentation by South Lake Minnetonka Police Department (SLMPD), the Shorewood City Council approved the installation of a Flock Safety camera system during their regular meeting on October 23, 2023.
The Public Safety Aid awarded to cities in the 2023 legislative session was used to fund the camera system, which includes four cameras: one for each city in the SLMPD service area.

Drilling Down on Municipal Water
On 11/25/2024 the Shorewood council hashed over the ongoing dilemma of the underwater municipal water fund.
It discussed incentives for residents, who have existing “stubs” to connect to the municipal water system. The council also laid out some ideas for a more “mandatory” approach.

Let’s Talk Trash
Shorewood leadership considered city organized trash collection in 2019. “Organized hauling” is when the city contracts with one hauler based on bids and the best service value.
Results from a resident survey in 2019 were all that was needed to shelve the discussion. A survey is a piece of a much larger pie. Other relevant data is available that should be factored into a sound decision by the council.