Shorewood Citizen Advocates

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UPDATE – 12.12.23: Inappropriate and Unprofessional Comments From Shorewood Mayor

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Last revised on: February 26, 2024

Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent

During the City Council meeting of 11.27.2003, one of the agenda items resulted in a difficult discussion and decision regarding the declaration of a hazardous structure for a home in Shorewood. (See documentation here and video of the discussion here). Adoption of the resolution would start the process of compelling the fix or removal of the hazardous conditions at the home.

Councilmember Guy Sanschagrin stated that he was going to oppose the resolution because the timing was so close to the holidays and the effect that would have on the family.

Mayor Jennifer Labadie’s response was: “You’re entitled to do so. I’m surprised as a father you would.” (watch here)

While reasonable people can argue for or against Sanschagrin’s position, Labadie’s statement attacking Sanschagrin personally was condescending, insulting, inappropriate and unprofessional.

We have all seen the coarsening of political dialogue at the federal, and to a lesser extent, state levels. Name calling and insults have become all too commonplace. To see that type of behavior creep into our local government is alarming and sad.

Labadie owes Sanschagrin a public apology.

SCA Editors -11.28.23

UPDATE – 11.30.23: Below is a posting from Jennifer Labadie’s political candidate Facebook page. We look forward to her public, on camera apology at the next Council meeting.

UPDATE – 12.12.23: At the 12.11.23 regular City Council meeting, Mayor Labadie admitted her mistake and apologized to Councilmember Sanschagrin. View here. 

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