Last revised on: February 10, 2025
Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent
8/19/2024 UPDATE: A resident read this SCA post and immediately became an advocate for the cause. They contacted the city of Shorewood and MnDOT. MnDOT came through, by agreeing to more frequent mowing.” SCA is making a difference!
Shorewood’s intersection at Hwy 7 and Eureka Road is well known for the wrong reason: It is fatally dangerous. A tragic incident, followed by several other collisions, has resulted in two years of bureaucratic talk and slow progress for any hope of a long-term solution. Eureka Road is a main feeder into western Shorewood and handles the heavy traffic generated by activities at Freeman Park.
An immediate danger exists: poor to no visibility for cars entering onto Hwy 7–particularly eastbound–from Eureka. The City of Shorewood and MnDOT share the responsibility for doing anything that could increase safety, and lower the anxiety of drivers attempting to access Hwy 7. The responsible agencies appear to have “eyes wide shut,” to an evident immediate solution. See the photo below. It was taken from the second car in a line, waiting to turn left onto Hwy 7 east. What is wrong with this picture?
With so much attention and lip service being paid to this area, it begs the question how many times in any given week do the people who maintain this space pass by without “seeing” the need for clearing back the grass to improve the sight line?
The solution is obvious.
If this was an important article for you please help our city leaders understand your position.
1.Best Option: attend and /or speak up at City Council meetings (at Matters from the Floor)
2. Contact City Council Members
Dustin Maddy (612) 293-6727
Jennifer Labadie (952) 836-8719
Scott Zerby (952) 905-4444
Guy Sanschagrin (952)217-1289
Paula Callies (763) 546-8020
3. Contact City Admistrator
Marc Nevinski (952) 960-7905
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