Last revised on: October 31, 2024
“The Shorewood City Council is committed to making Shorewood a safe place for walking, running, and biking with the addition of a more extensive trail system” –
Trails are a viable and increasingly popular alternative to cars. Residents expect trails or sidewalks to be part of their neighborhoods. Because of Minnesota’s all-season outdoor culture, trails/sidewalks are used throughout the year. Trail construction has evolved to include specific design standards for the safety of all ages and abilities. Unlike other jurisdictions, Shorewood has no published standards for its trails.
Local residents have been trying to get the city’s attention on a substandard “trail” in southeast Shorewood for over two years. The asphalt trail was built along Vine Hill Road in the early 2000s. The trail was not built to any particular standard and is degrading. Residents have reported that it is so broken up, uneven and narrow that the condition excludes many users.
Since 2023, residents have notified the city thru SeeClickFix[1] multiple times about the situation Excerpted comments are below, (click on the specific ticket to go to for complete text).
- SeeClickFix, Issue # 14466193, 5/3/2023: ‘Hazardous ‘sidewalk’ has fallen into a severe state of neglect … my kids get off their scooters and carry them through the grass rather than subject their arms and teeth to violent shaking and vibrations.
- SeeClickFix, Issue #14466193, 05/03/2023: …It is eroded, cracked, pot holed, crumbling, over grown … Public money should be spent on public safety, and this is a prime example.
- City Response, 5/09/2023: Thank you for bringing this to our attention, city staff will be out to check it out.
- SeeClickFix, Issue #15032208, 8/2023: The sidewalk issues have not been addressed. The overgrowth is taking over the sidewalks making it difficult to traverse. Encroaching weeds and overhanging trees/vines need to be addressed.
- SeeClickFix, Issue #15032208, 11/21/2023. …The condition of this ‘sidewalk’ has not been addressed all summer, and we are about to enter into a new period of snow, ice, and neglect. Are there any plans to remedy this?
- City response, 11/21/2023: Public Works staff has been out to trim this trail. If further assistance is needed, please contact us.
- City response, 11/22/2023: … At this time, full replacement of this sidewalk is not in the city’s plans. However, your comments and the city’s evaluation of the trail will be brought forth in future infrastructure discussions. Safety and accessibility is a priority for the city. That being said, the city has limited funds from year to year to address all of the infrastructure needs around the city.
- SeeClickFix, Issue #17575442, 9/24/2024: It’s been reported on here many times over the last several years, however the ‘sidewalk’ remains in horrible condition (severely eroded, narrowed due to poor upkeep, cracked and cratered, anything but flat).. …
- SeeClickFix, Issue #17575442 9/25/2024: … Simply put, the trail is a hazard and has been brought up to the attention of the city for 2+ years. It seems negligent on their part to ignore it and not have a plan to fix for another 5 years…
- City Response 11/22/2023: As of right now, there is no plan to re-pave this stretch of sidewalk.
The city evaluates all of the city infrastructure across the city each year and puts together a plan for future improvements. At this time, full replacement of this sidewalk is not in the city’s plans. However, your comments and the city’s evaluation of the trail will be brought forth in future infrastructure discussions. Safety and accessibility is a priority for the city. That being said, the city has limited funds from year to year to address all of the infrastructure needs around the city.

The problem of the decaying trail remains unresolved.
- Residents have been told there is a five-year wait (until 2029?).
- Neither the park commission nor the council has had the resident’s comments on their agenda.
- New asphalt trails have been built at Smithtown Ponds, Freeman Park trails have been rebuilt, and a concrete sidewalk installed on Strawberry Lane.
SCA has not done a data request for any other forms of reporting. ↑
Let city leaders know what you think.
- Best option: attend and /or speak up at City Council meetings and get it on the public record.
- Contact City Council Members
Dustin Maddy (612) 293-6727
Jennifer Labadie (952) 836-8719
Michelle DiGruttolo (517) 422-9528
Guy Sanschagrin (952) 217-1289
Nat Gorham (617) 780-7771
How to follow the activity of the Shorewood city council and the commissions.
- SIGN UP here for city email notifications.
- Watch a city council meeting, live from home, via Zoom, using the link provided in your email notice.
- View the recorded meetings later at your convenience @ LMCC-TV web site (Council work sessions, if held, are found at the end of each council meeting).
- Currently Park and Planning Commission meetings are not recorded and must be attended in person.
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