Environment Articles

Quick Facts: Invasive Garlic Mustard
Chances are Eurasian Garlic Mustard is about to burst into full bloom somewhere close to you. It blankets forest floors, yards and road ditches. Here are some facts about the weed and how to manage it.

Shorewood City Water Report: “Forever Chemicals”
Note: Water quality, testing and standards are complicated. SCA recommends you contact any of the sources in this article for more clarity. Private wells are not tested by the City. Learn more about how to test your private well. The EPA

STAND-OFF: Government v. Process
At the Monday, April 8th Shorewood Council meeting, the 3 attending members, (Labadie, Zerby and Callies*), without discussion, voted to approve the blanket spraying of Freeman and Manor Park soccer fields with an unspecified weedkiller. The recommendation by the contractor

Get Smarter: The Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail (LRT)
The Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail, commonly known as the “LRT” trail stretches over 15 miles between Hopkins and Carver Park Reserve, offering scenic views of Lake Minnetonka along the way. This aggregate trail passes through Minnetonka, Deephaven, Greenwood, Excelsior, Shorewood

Is The “Tree City” Managing its Urban Forest?
This article will explain the history of a taxpayer-funded Urban Forest Management Plan process for Shorewood, and how it has evolved to current day.
The City seems to be facing the “perfect storm” for tree management on its properties:
Emerald Ash Borer, oak wilt, lingering Dutch elm, buckthorn and other woody invasives, several years of drought and a winter without enough snow to blanket tree roots exacerbate the situation.

Where Is Shorewood’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan?
The City adopted Bee Safe Resolution #14-066 in 2014.
The resolution supported “bee safe” policies and procedures when using chemicals on public park land.

Is Your Well Water Safe for Drinking?
The Minnesota Department of Health is offering funding to address private well water quality issues in Shorewood and other municipalities in the state. Arsenic and other contaminants in well water can pose health risks. Levels have been on the rise

Deer Management: How it Works in Shorewood
Do you know how Shorewood’s deer management plan works? The ongoing plan was discussed at the May 22, 2023 Council meeting (start at min. 46:50) See the report from the planning director, and hear the representative from Minnesota Bow Hunters

Taking Action on Buckthorn
You heard it right. Nearly three years after receiving a $50,000 buckthorn removal grant from the Minnesota DNR, Shorewood Council finally approved Prairie Restorations, Inc. to clear 20 acres of the total 30 acres within Freeman Park wooded areas. The