Shorewood Citizen Advocates

Building positive change through communication, education and advocacy

Election Year Shell Game!

election year shell game
Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent

Shell game, Ponzi scheme, voodoo economics – call it what you will, but our leaders in city council don’t want you to know that they can make a 13.9% budget increase look like a 3.2% tax increase because it’s an election year. Wait – What? How does that happen?


When a city doesn’t spend a portion of their budget those budgeted dollars are invested and likely to go into a Reserve Fund. Years of unspent budget dollars have accumulated to more than $15 million that the city is currently holding in taxpayer dollars. As an example, the below funds were not spent in 2024 and likely placed in the Reserve Fund:

$350k water tower painting – Old Market Road
$20k snow removal and overtime from 2023-2024 season
$17k insurance savings for buildings and assets


 To give the appearance of a lower tax increase city officials pull from reserves to help pay for next year’s budget – so a 13.9% budget increase can actually look like a mere 3.2% tax increase to homeowners.

In 2025 the city of Shorewood is planning to increase its budget by $899,929. This would generally require a 13.9% increase over the 2024 budget. But if the Reserve Fund covers $650,000 towards the 2024 budget then the increase to taxpayers only looks like a deceptive 3.2% tax increase. The city council can then communicate to residents that they were able to hold the 2025 tax increase to its lowest level in years – making city officials look good. Now you know how it works.

The city council members approved these expenditures. It’s more important than ever to know who you are voting for this election.

Please sign and forward the petition below and let Mayor Labadie and councilmembers Maddy, Callies, Zerby and Sanschagrin know you want them to stop the outrageous spending!


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