Education Articles

Higher Density: How it Applies to Shorewood
On October 1 the Planning Commission held a public hearing to amend the R-3 Zoning District to higher density development, consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, as submitted to the Metropolitan Council.
Specifically, the zoning change applies to three parcels on Smithtown Road, west of the American Legion. One of these parcels is currently being considered for a townhome development.

Do 1 Thing to Keep Your Household Safe
According to FEMA, only 48% of people have an emergency management plan. encourages readers to make a plan to keep members of their household’s safe during any kind of emergency.

Big Changes Coming for Highway 5
Carver County, along with project planners, and MnDOT, are planning improvements to Highway 5, between downtown Victoria and Highway 41.
This section of Highway 5 is currently functioning 50% over capacity for an existing two-lane road; carrying 27,000 vehicles per day.

New Cable Provider Coming to Shorewood
Residents of Shorewood have been asking for alternatives to Mediacom for quite some time now.
At the August 12th city council meeting City Administrator Mark Nevinski said he has been in talks with Metronet.
The City Council unanimously approved a resolution that fiber optics cables will be buried in neighborhoods that already have underground cable and will be hung on utility poles in neighborhoods that have poles.

Rabbit Rabbit, Oh no!
Admit it. Rabbits are overtaking the neighborhoods. Cute? Yes. Destructive? Oh yes! Rabbits are here in unprecedented hordes.
In spite of their “cuteness,” wild rabbits can pose problems, some serious, for humans and pets, primarily through the transmission of diseases and parasites.

Purple Creeping Bellflower: So Pretty-So Invasive!
Purple creeping bellflower is an invasive plant from central and southern Europe, west Asia, and the Caucasus. It will easily take over a garden and choke out other plants.

A New Invader in Town: Wild Parsnips
The MnDNR says “Invasive species are species that are not native to Minnesota and cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.” Wild parsnips are one of the latest “invasives” to show up in the region. The MnDNR says wild

Freeman Park: The Beginning of Shorewood’s Premier Park
Stefan (Stef) and Audrey Freeman lived on Eureka Road across the street from a large wooded lot in Shorewood. The house on that lot had burned down but there was an old faded red barn still standing on the property. Stefan wondered who owned the property and whether or not he could buy it.

Shorewood Housing Market Factoids
On July 6, Axios Twin Cities reported that home prices are on a “sizzling” rise this summer. Redfin reports that overall Twin Cities’ prices are up 4.5% in May from a year ago.
Zoom in on Shorewood, and the numbers are not as hot.