Last revised on: February 10, 2025
Curious about crows? See the complete informative story here:
New York Times article about crows
The collective noun for a group of crows is a murder, also known as a horde, a mob or a parliament.
With that bit of trivia, if you have noticed a “murder” of crows that seem to be stalking you, perhaps after chasing one away from the bird feeder, you may be right.
- Duration: Crows can hold grudges for up to 17 years.
- Multigenerational: Grudges can be passed down through generations of crows.
- Recognition: Crows can recognize humans and distinguish between good and bad humans.
- Communication: Crows can communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations and regional dialects.
- Teaching: Crows can teach each other about dangers, and this knowledge can be passed down to younger crows.
Crows are intelligent birds with complex social structures. They live in close-knit family groups and have been observed holding “funerals” for deceased members. They also have sophisticated communication skills and can form alliances to protect themselves from predators. Source:
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