Council News
Council Meeting: “Structure” & Matters From the Floor
The Council discussed the structure of agenda, resident participation in meetings and Matters from the Floor. View the conversation here. Matters from the Floor* presentations from residents is “painful” (watch the Apr. 10, 2023 work session starting at hr. 2:04:10) for Mayor Labadie. After discussion, a majority of the Council resisted allowing any changes to the strict three minute, no Q&A, format now in place. In other words, residents may present their case, but officially, there will be no discussion. Watch the video and form your opinion, starting at hr. 1:18:19. Some Council Members support exercising “caution” because in the past, several residents were perceived as disrespectful to the Council at MTF. A Mapleview Court resident appeared (starting at hr. 08:50) at MTF on June 23, 2023 and thanked the Council for keeping MTF as part of every meeting. SCA Opinion: This forum, restricted as it is, is obviously important
A Council Tied in Knots Over Hearing From Residents
“Every resident should be welcome, feel welcome, approached kindly, listened to, actually considered, and given the same amount of time on the floor as millionaire developers.” – Shorewood Resident