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The Facts on the Truffle Hill Redevelopment Site
The Lake Park Villas development project, (former Truffle Hill property) includes two parcels straddling the Tonka Bay/Shorewood border. Both cities agreed on the details that have given this project some interesting facets making it less obtrusive on a difficult parcel.

Shorewood: Chain Link or Picket Fence Model?
A Shorewood resident shares his observations of Shorewood leadership and submitted this article. Clarity, Alignment, and Commitment By Dr. James J. Lynn, 44 year resident Are people on the same page? Can staff communicate the purpose and values of the

What to Know About the 9.6% 2024 Tax Levy Increase
Public comment was taken at the December 11 Truth in Taxation Hearing at City Hall. (See the Finance Director’s report here, starting at page 80) See the approved budget and related information here). The 2024 increase for the city share

Taking Action on Buckthorn
You heard it right. Nearly three years after receiving a $50,000 buckthorn removal grant from the Minnesota DNR, Shorewood Council finally approved Prairie Restorations, Inc. to clear 20 acres of the total 30 acres within Freeman Park wooded areas. The

Council Discussion of Agenda “Structure”
At the 9.25.23 work session, the Council talked about agenda structure, more specifically, consent agenda[1] items. Watch the conversation. This Council has a history of controlling resident engagement. Resident initiated Emails, phone calls and Matters From the Floor have been

Find Your Property Data & History Through Hennepin County
It is important to know your property lines, easements and right-of-ways. This information is available for taxable real estate through Hennepin County GIS Property Map data. Survey documents, current and historic satellite images, and various overlays on your taxable property

Get Smarter: Trees to Avoid Planting in Your Yard
Trees are an ongoing discussion point in Shorewood, both for their environmental importance and preservation. However, as the biologist, pollinator conservationist and author Heather Holm says, “Not all green is good.” This site offers up articles for favorable trees to

Shorewood Violated Its Own Ordinance on City Water
At the regular City Council meeting on Sept. 26, 2022, the City Council voted 4-1 to approve the plans for reconstruction of Birch Bluff Road. Labadie, Siakel, Johnson and Callies voted yes. Gorham voted no.
Included in those plans and specifications, were plans for a water improvement project at a cost projection of $913,000.00.

Get Smarter: Shorewood Enterprise Funds Analysis
Every 3 months, property owners in Shorewood receive a bill from the city for utilities and services. Those utilities and services are: Recycling, Storm Water, Sewer and Water (if connected to city water) The money from each of those line