Accountability Articles

Get Smarter: Watch Your Council Members in Action
One of the best ways to see if a council member earned your vote is to watch them in action. Zoom has added another level of “observation.” History shows this method was endangered in 2022. All Shorewood Council meetings and

Policy Changes Without Process
When Policy Changes Without Process Someone, at City Hall, may have made a few changes in right-of-way enforcement policy without a public process. Read the SeeClickFix thread below. Warning: It’s long as it covers two years from the initial submission.

Shorewood’s Disappearing Roads & Intersections
Roads, intersections, sidewalks and trails are slowly disappearing due to creeping vegetation and low hanging tree limbs. Some trimming was done in Fall and early winter 2023-24.
So why has it taken so long? It can’t be staffing.

Get Smarter: Street Reconstruction
“The Process of Street Reconstruction“ — courtesy of Three major infrastructure projects were completed in western Shorewood in 2023. More are on the horizon. This video helps residents understand the complexities of the projects. About roadway/infrastructure projects: They are really,
Council Meeting: “Structure” & Matters From the Floor
The Council discussed the structure of agenda, resident participation in meetings and Matters from the Floor. View the conversation here. Matters from the Floor* presentations from residents is “painful” (watch the Apr. 10, 2023 work session starting at hr. 2:04:10)

A Council Tied in Knots Over Hearing From Residents
“Every resident should be welcome, feel welcome, approached kindly, listened to, actually considered, and given the same amount of time on the floor as millionaire developers.” – Shorewood Resident