Shorewood Citizen Advocates

Building positive change through communication, education and advocacy

Shorewood Election 2024: “Why Can’t We Be Friends?”

candidate respect and civility

Revised September 16, 2024

There is one thing we should be able to count on in a local election: respect and civility among the candidates. After all, those running for elected office in our city are our neighbors, friends, and possibly relatives. They should have the maturity and integrity to keep the election focused on the issues that matter.

It should go without saying, but recent past experience requires a reminder to candidates that they are asking for our trust and selling themselves as the “leaders” needed to guide the city forward.

To those working to be elected in the 2024 election season, SCA says this:

  • The mailbox restriction law (18 U.S.C. 1725), is a federal law that prohibits placing mailable items without postage into or on a mailbox. This includes campaign materials.
  • Allow your opponents the space to campaign in their own way without criticism or question. If you don’t treat other candidates with respect, how will you treat your constituents?
  • Read and obey the newly revised sign ordinance when placing your signs.  Read the rules here.
  • Keep your hands off opponents’ yard signs–and rein in overzealous supporters. Vandalizing signs is illegal, cowardly and wastes public resources  looking for the culprits.
  • And please, no divisive whisper campaigns that demean another candidate(s) with gossip, opinion or threats. Instead, sell yourself, and explain why voters should mark the circle next to your name.

SCA’s message to residents: Don’t tolerate unprofessional behavior from any candidate. Expect the best from those who want to lead the city and hold them accountable.

Know who you are voting for.

More reading:

What democracy is and why it is worth preserving  (Seattle Times)

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