Last revised on: February 10, 2025
Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent
Looking to give back to the community?
Consider Running for Shorewood City Council!
Turn on the news today and you will mostly hear about the latest in national politics. While that news is important, decisions made at city hall are arguably more impactful to everyone’s day-to-day lives.
Our city council is the most immediate form of government, directly affecting citizens’ lives by making decisions about many important issues, including: public safety, property development, the water we drink, the roads we drive on, our parks, our lakes and streams. That is why citizen participation and candidacy in local councils is crucial.
Resident engagement in local city politics and running for local city councils is essential for fostering vibrant, responsive, and accountable governance. Having a city council with a wide spectrum of perspectives and experience leads to better decisions and broader community confidence in those decisions. Fresh ideas and challenging the status quo makes our community stronger.
For democracy to thrive at all levels, it must be rooted in active and engaged local citizenship.
Get Engaged!
Get Active!
Click here for page with Shorewood filing instructions
Read here for a “How to” on becoming a candidate.
Click here to see who has currently filed for Shorewood mayor and council.
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