Shorewood Citizen Advocates

Building positive change through communication, education and advocacy

Complete: Three Shorewood Trail Improvement Projects

trail crossing

Revised February 16, 2024

Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent

First: The Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail Crossing at Strawberry Lane has been reconfigured to include a “chicane.” This design is believed to slow down trail traffic before it enters the street. For better visibility, it also allows trail users to cross Strawberry Lane at a 90 degree angle. Three Rivers Park District paid the cost of the new installation.

Second: With the wrap-up of the Strawberry Lane roadway project, came the finishing touches on the sidewalk along the east side of the roadway. The sidewalk goes the full length of Strawberry Lane. It also connects users to the Regional trail, Smithtown sidewalk and Ponds, and points beyond.

Third: A needed renovation of the Freeman Park asphalt trails has been completed. Existing trails were reclaimed and widened. The asphalt trail running through the woods on the northeast side of the park was removed and replaced with a wider gravel walkway.

Concrete access to the south picnic shelter was added, along with special surface texture at curb-cuts to be ADA compliant. Hydro seeding has been completed. Silt screen fencing will remain in place until spring.  Three Rivers paid a portion of the cost for the trails in conjunction with using Freeman Park as a designated LRT trailhead. See the backstory on this project here.

A trail connecting the LRT and Smithtown sidewalk was completed through the Smithtown Ponds project in early Summer 2023.

More information about Shorewood trails, and “before/after” of the Freeman Park (videos).

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