Last revised on: December 11, 2024
Note: This content has been archived and may no longer be accurate or relevent
There was nothing normal about the winter of 2023-24. Unseasonably warm temperatures and a lack of snowfall for much of December through February gave way to relatively cool temperatures and moderate precipitation in late March and early April. In early spring, mosquitoes tend to stay in the water as larvae for longer. As air temperatures rise, the larvae begin to emerge as adult mosquitoes. The warming expected in the coming weeks, means adult mosquito activity will increase in late April into May.
The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) oversees the “control” of the nuisances in the metro area. MMCD is funded through a line item on our property tax bills. We all pay for it.
MMCD is conducting surveillance and treatment activities in your community to reduce the risk of disease and annoyance in an environmentally-sensitive manner.
Read the full article, including MMCD contact information for comments.
More reading:
Axios Twin Cities, June 21st, 2024
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