Shorewood Citizen Advocates

Building positive change through communication, education and advocacy
water meter

Drilling Down on Municipal Water

On 11/25/2024 the Shorewood council hashed over the ongoing dilemma of the underwater municipal water fund.
It discussed incentives for residents, who have existing “stubs” to connect to the municipal water system. The council also laid out some ideas for a more “mandatory” approach.

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family ice rink

Outdoor Ice Rinks: Pros & Cons

Backyard ice rinks are enjoyed by many families, particularly in winter loving states like Minnesota.
Be aware that setting up a rink in your yard comes with responsibilities and considerations to ensure safe and respectful use and compliance with any city code.
Here’s a quick guide:

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Tonka Bay dirt pile

The Dirt on the Tonka Bay Dirt

The massive dirt piled in the Tonka Bay City Hall parking lot is not unnoticed.
In fact, it was a topic for the Sept 28 Tonka Bay Council Meeting where an impressive resident-council-consultant conversation addressed every question and concern in a full-blown “community conversation.”

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shorewood organized trash collection

Let’s Talk Trash

Shorewood leadership considered city organized trash collection in 2019. “Organized hauling” is when the city contracts with one hauler based on bids and the best service value.
Results from a resident survey in 2019 were all that was needed to shelve the discussion. A survey is a piece of a much larger pie. Other relevant data is available that should be factored into a sound decision by the council.

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Crows know who you are

Crows: They know who you are!

The collective noun for a group of crows is a murder, also known as a horde, a mob or a parliament.
With that bit of trivia, if you have noticed a “murder” of crows that seem to be stalking you, perhaps after chasing one away from the bird feeder, you may be right!

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