Paula Callies

Paula Callies

Shorewood City Council Candidate

Biographic information. Tell us about yourself.

My husband Dave and I have been residents of Shorewood for 27 years. In addition to my current term on the city council, I have previously served 3 years on the council, and also served on the Planning Commission and on the Parks Foundation. I have been a lifelong volunteer with community non-profit and professional organizations. I am a recently retired attorney with 30+ years’ experience representing MN cities and individuals concerning local government issues.

Describe the skills you have that will make you a good Shorewood councilmember.

I am an effective decision-maker with proven leadership skills and a positive community vision. Along with excellent communication skills, I know how to work in collaboration with others. I am a critical thinker and understand complex city issues.

How have you demonstrated those skills in the past?

I have been elected to the city council 3 times based on proven leadership skills. I have served as the Board Chair of Tasks Unlimited, Inc., a nonprofit organization providing supportive housing and employment services to persons in recovery from serious and persistent mental illness. As a council member, I Iisten to my fellow council members and residents, as well as information from our staff and consultants.  After considering all the information, I vote in accordance with what I feel is right under the circumstances and best for the city of Shorewood.

If elected you will serve for 4 years. What do you see as the top 5 challenges or opportunities for the council to address during that time?

  1. Communication and engagement with the public.

  2. Maintaining good condition of the city’s infrastructure and assets in a fiscally responsible manner.

  3. Ensuring that our parks and trails are meeting the needs of our diverse community now and in the future.

  4. Maintaining our public property, including parks and trails, in accordance with best environmental practices.

  5. Improving public safety along the Hwy 7 corridor and maintaining strong partnerships with our neighboring cities for shared police and fire services. Funding is an ongoing challenge.

What policies would you propose to address your priorities? Be specific.

Communication with public. The city already has a policy of open and transparent communication with the public. This must be continued. I do support additional opportunities for public engagement outside of the regular council meetings on issues of particular interest.

Infrastructure and assets. Currently, the city has a policy of maintaining at least 60% of its next year expenditures in reserves in order to cover the delay when property taxes are received and for unpredictable and unexpected expenses. I propose that the 60% policy should be reviewed to determine whether this percentage should be decreased. I also propose a policy to decrease use of bonds for improvement projects and to use excess reserves when feasible.

Parks and trails. I am in favor of a policy to follow recommended DNR practices to remove buckthorn and invasive species from our environment and maintain public spaces. I support the city’s policy for the park commission to review the condition and needs of our parks and open spaces annually. The city has budgeted funds necessary to complete a major update of the city’s Comprehensive Park and Trail Plan. No additional policy is needed for this.

Public Safety. I support continuing the city’s policy of strong support for the SLMPD and the Excelsior Fire District. The city is actively participating in the Hwy 7 Corridor Coalition to address safety concerns. I propose that the city actively pursue grants and other shared funding sources to pay for public safety upgrades.

You are asking to represent the citizens of Shorewood and if elected, will be one of the public faces of the city. How would you describe the top 3 things about Shorewood that makes it a great place to live?

  • Responsible and responsive governance
  • High quality of life as evidenced by good condition of roads, infrastructure and the environment
  • Great neighbors

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

I am the only council candidate with this substantial amount of relevant experience in local government, including but not limited to, the City of Shorewood. I am proud of Shorewood and enjoy serving the community in this way. I am focused on constructive solutions to complex city issues and not on the rhetoric of division. I have the experience and proven leadership skills to help our community to continue to thrive.

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