Last revised on: September 30, 2024

Alan Yelsey

Alan Yelsey

Candidate for Shorewood Mayor

Biographic information. Tell us about yourself.


BA, Education, UMASS, Commonwealth Scholar; MA, Educational Psychology, UMN; MEd, Social Studies, UMN; PhD Coursework Complete, Dynamic Systems, UMN; Decision Analysis, MIT; Center for Creative Leadership;


Taught Strategic Planning at Metro State University; CEO/Founder of Machine Dreams – A Global IT Service Company; Pearson Learning Executive; Honeywell Corporate Manager of Global HR Planning for over 100,000 employees; Teach for America; Special Education Teacher, Met Council’s Courts & Corrections Planner Administering Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Funding to the Region


My experience over a unique wide-ranging career brings unparalleled skills and knowledge to the role of Mayor: Special Education Teacher for Teach for America, Educational Psychologist, Law Enforcement Assistance Administrator for the Met Council, Global Manager of Human Resource Planning for 100,000 Honeywell Employees, Founder & CEO of Global Information Services Company “Machine Dreams”, Winner of Fast Company’s Top Ten World Changing Ideas Award in 2019.

I have devoted substantial time and resources to many causes, including The Sisters of St. Joseph’s Global Services, the American Indian Movement’s National Coalition Against Racism in Sports and Media, the Epilepsy Foundation and improving the lives of residents in Shorewood.


Published Author in: Planning Review, Management Review, Handbook of Strategic Planning and Hersey & Blanchard’s Management of Organizational Behavior.


Together with my wife Lois Berg, I have raised my family in western Shorewood for over 40 years. We know our great neighbors, we understand what life is like for parents after raising our child, Ross, we understand what life is like for dog owners after raising 2 generations of dogs and we now know firsthand what life is like for seniors. My life experiences will help me to serve you.

Describe the skills you have that will make you a good Shorewood councilmember.

I am a skilled and experienced CEO, manager, strategic planner, educational psychologist and author. I taught Strategic Planning at Metro State University, authored a book chapter in the Handbook of Strategic Planning and my work was cited in Hersey and Blanchard’s Management of Organizational Behavior.

I take pride in being a good neighbor. I care about people and want to be of service. My life has been about bettering the lives of others. I understand good management practices and believe in and practice democracy, listening to the voices of all people, and helping everyone to the best of my ability. I work hard and smart and want to make the lives of every resident of Shorewood better. I have been the CEO of a global company larger than Shorewood and I have been a regional government planner responsible for helping police forces and the lives of people dealing with mental illness and drug abuse. I have cared for the children and families of this region as a special education teacher.  There is much that I can uniquely contribute to help guide Shorewood to a better future. It is important that I have the opportunity to apply my skills and energy to improve the well-being of every resident in Shorewood. I am not a politician. I am proud to be of service to everyone.

I enjoy working with others to forge the best solutions to problems ranging from common to complex. I embrace teamwork and the expertise of others. I believe in hiring and paying for excellent talent and rewarding the generosity of neighbors. I believe we must do more to provide services to seniors, children, people with special needs and residents operating their own businesses.

How have you demonstrated those skills in the past?

I have built a highly successful global IT business around knowledge, I have led human resource planning for over 100,000 Honeywell employees, I have been published in numerous journal and books, Fast Company cited my work as one of the top world changing ideas of 2019, and I have become deeply involved in helping Shorewood reach its potential.

I am a proven leader, planner & dedicated caring professional. I dedicated 2 years of my life to service as a Teach for American Volunteer. I later became a special education teacher, working with both the child and family.

I became the Met Council’s Law Enforcement Assistance Regional Executive, responsible for not only helping local police departments, but also developing programs that worked to help prevent drug abuse and treat mental health issues before they impacted the safety of communities. I volunteered with the Sisters of St. Joseph and the Epilepsy Foundation.

I understand public service, fiscal responsibility and best management practices. I have been very active in City issues.

If elected you will serve for 4 years. What do you see as the top 5 challenges or opportunities for the council to address during that time?

  1. Regain Fiscal Control, Accountability and Resident Driven Cost/Benefit Prioritization. Reduce Taxes and Unnecessary Regulation.

  2. Truly Become Environmental Stewards – No Toxic Contamination, Better Quality Water, More Trees and Habitat/Not Less.

  3. Directly Improve Street, Crossing, Intersection, eBike and Bike Safety. Build a Safer More Nurturing Community.

  4. Sharply Increase Support and Services for Seniors, Small Businesses, Parks & Recreation, Children and Residents With Special Needs.

  5. Fully Practice Open, Caring, Transparent, Well Communicated, Participative Democracy – Where Everyone’s Voice Matters.

What policies would you propose to address your priorities? Be specific.

I vow to be the voice of the residents. ALL RESIDENTS! I will support proactive greatly expanded resident involvement. I will fight for LOWER TAXES. I will insist on strictly controlled, carefully managed and highly prioritized wise spending. I will vote to prohibit systemic pesticide contamination of playfields & wells. I will fight for expanded services for seniors & children. I will prioritize safer streets, crossings, ebikes, bike and pedestrian pathways, access to highways 7 and 19, and intersections. I will insist on complete transparency, barrier free full citizen involvement and greatly expanded resident-centric communications. I will immediately work to help small business owners, local contractors and underemployed residents to prosper. I will laser focus on achieving Environmental Stewardship, tree planting and protection, beneficial habitats, safe drinking water and expanded toxin free wildlife friendly public lands.


Listen to the People!

Lower Taxes. Watch Every Penny. Spend Wisely. High Return on Investment.

No Toxins. More Trees & Habitat. Expanded Parks & Recreation. Protect & Nurture Our Natural Resources.

Strong Expanded Programming & Investments In Senior and Child Resources, Services and Programs.

New Traffic Controls, Equipment & Enforcement for Street/Intersection/Crossing/Bike/eBike/Pedestrian Safety

Zoom Access For All Meetings.

Our Government Will Be About Helping Residents, Not Regulating Them.

We Will Be Fully Transparent, Inclusive, Just and Caring.

We Will Target Helping Small Local Business Owners and Underemployed Residents Prosper.

We Will Invest In OUR Employees and Public Servants (Police, Fire etc.)

The Voice Of The People Comes First.

You are asking to represent the citizens of Shorewood and if elected, will be one of the public faces of the city. How would you describe the top 3 things about Shorewood that makes it a great place to live?

  1. Shorewood is filled with Extraordinary People. I would like to celebrate you, engage your expertise, recognize your contributions and encourage your involvement in government and helping our neighbors.

  2. There is a remarkable Essence in Shorewood that we need to protect and enhance. It is in the air, water, trees and homesteads. It comes from our natural resources and the resourcefulness and generosity of our neighbors. It is embodied by a small town feel and footprint.

  3. The Minnetonka School System is among the best in the nation. For all of our children, we give them a rare and wonderful head-start in life that begins with superior knowledge amidst a safe and caring community.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

I will be more fiscally responsible.
I will be a stronger environment steward.
I will be more open and inviting. More helping and less regulating.

More caring and inclusive for all of our diverse residents.
I will be fully transparent. No barriers to citizen involvement and knowledge. No time limit at public meetings. No fees for electronic data.
I will prioritize around resident needs and wants.
I will be fully creative and resourceful. Completely resident centric.
Not driven by high paid for profit consulting engineers.

I will control spending. I will reduce taxes.

Every meeting will have a Zoom option for residents wishing to participate for the safety and comfort of their homes.

I will develop and implement creative solutions that make our roads safer to cross. safer at intersections, safer to access highways 7 and 19, safer for pedestrians, bikers and ebikers.

I will expand City support, programs and resources for seniors and children.

I will establish programs to support and contract with local businesses, contractors, entrepreneurs and underemployed residents.

I will use my decision analysis and strategic planning skills to ensure our spending and  investments are smart and productive.
I will strive to measurably improve resident lives. Better serve you and your family!

I care about EVERYONE. I understand what good planning and management looks like. I understand what good democracy looks like. I understand what a caring, creative, well managed service oriented fiscally responsible small government looks like.

I believe in democracy and will always listen first to the voice of the people. I represent the voice of ALL residents. I will never blindly turn the keys of our city over to an un-monitored for-profit engineering firm. I would rather hire superior employees who look out for US and cost us far less money. I will host town hall meetings and make sure the true needs of our residents are met. 

I will never support unnecessary, unjustified, over-engineered, and unwanted low priority massive out of control projects and spending. I will never allow an outside for profit consulting firm to take over our engineering and receive enormous sums of money that amount to almost 20% of the entire City budget!

I will not support City use of any systemic pesticides or potentially toxic contaminants in the playfields and drinking water of Shorewood.

I will care for and develop the talents of City employees and strive to protect our Fire and Police officers from harm. I will ensure that our public safety is fully funded, well managed and immediately responsive.

I will never hide the truth.  I will never refuse to talk with residents.  I will always answer any questions and I will never under the cover of darkness, or in the light of day, do anything that can harm the residents of Shorewood. I will work hard and smart to improve the lives of everyone in Shorewood.

Candidate website:

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